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Guy Kawasaki Raves About RinkAtlas

Guy Kawasaki, the man who coined the phrase software evangelism is a rabid hockey fan. Although he only picked up the sport four years ago, he's now on the ice five days a week.

I didn't know these details about Guy's hockey participation until I emailed him to make him aware of RinkAtlas. All I knew was that he'd mentioned hockey on his blog a number of times over the past year.

Anyway, he checked out RinkAtlas and liked it so much that he posted a very favorable blog entry about it:

In case you hadn’t noticed, I love hockey. A buddy named Dave Aiello just told me about a website that he created called RinkAtlas.

He used the Google Maps API and verified and corrected the geocoding to over 1,800 rinks in the fifty states and Puerto Rico. If you ever need to find a rink, this is the site to use. It’s the first mashup that I’ve found useful. :-) ....

Guy's blog entry caused an immediate jump in our traffic. I didn't expect to receive such a rave from a prominent member of the Silicon Valley community. All I can say at the moment is "thank you, Guy."

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 30, 2006 3:55 AM.

The previous post in this blog was RinkAtlas Database of U.S. Rinks Completed.

The next post in this blog is Database Building Policy Change for Canadian Rink Database.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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