« RinkAtlas Widgets Help Hockey Webmasters Provide Directions to Rinks | Main | How Do I Find the GUID for a Rink in the RinkAtlas Database? »

Widgetbox is our Widget Integration Partner


RinkAtlas is partnering with Widgetbox for widget integration services. We think that the services available at Widgetbox.com to help webmasters place our widgets on to their web pages are very helpful.

The best way to see the Widgetbox widget integration services is to go to the RinkAtlas pages in the Widgetbox Widget Gallery, preview our widgets, and try one or more of them out on one of your web pages. Here are the Widgetbox Widget Gallery pages for RinkAtlas Widgets:

For more detailed information about the RinkAtlas Widgets, please refer to RinkAtlas Widgets Help Hockey Webmasters Provide Directions to Rinks.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 17, 2006 12:27 AM.

The previous post in this blog was RinkAtlas Widgets Help Hockey Webmasters Provide Directions to Rinks.

The next post in this blog is How Do I Find the GUID for a Rink in the RinkAtlas Database?.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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