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December 2006 Archives

December 3, 2006

Suburban High School Hockey League Becomes a RinkAtlas Partner

Suburban High School Hockey League

I'm pleased to announce that The Suburban High School Hockey League located in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, has joined the growing list of RinkAtlas Partner Websites. The SHSHL is the first USA Hockey-sanctioned high school ice hockey league in the Atlantic District to become a RinkAtlas partner.

We think that the parents and coaches of players in the SHSHL will find RinkAtlas rink directions particularly helpful when their teams play "cross-over games". These are games played against teams in other USA Hockey-sanctioned high school leagues in Southeastern Pennsylvania, often in unfamiliar rinks that are a good distance from their home ice.

We'd like to establish the same relationship with all of the USA Hockey-sanctioned high school hockey leagues in the Southern New Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania, and the Lehigh Valley. If you can help make this happen, please email me at daiello [at] rinkatlas.com.

To Ken Haas, Rick Gallagher, and the rest of the administrators of the SHSHL, thank you for your confidence in RinkAtlas, and welcome to the team.

December 12, 2006

Introducing Ajax Auto-suggestion for the RinkAtlas Search Box

Ajax Autocompletion Screenshot

I've just added an auto-suggestion feature to the RinkAtlas search box. If you start typing the name of a rink, the name of a city, or a zip or postal code, RinkAtlas will search its database and show you a dynamically-generated list of search suggestions. You can either choose one of the suggestions or continue typing more characters.

The suggestions provided by RinkAtlas may include:

  • Rink names,
  • City and state pairs and city and province pairs,
  • State and province abbreviations,
  • ZIP and postal codes.

The suggestion list is ordered alphabetically, so you may see some unusual choices at the top of the list when you have only typed a couple of characters into the search box.

The auto-suggestion feature is a work in progress. There are a few things that I'd like to change and/or clarify already. However, I wanted to get this feature into production so that you could use it and let me know what you think of it.

If you have any comments or questions about the auto-suggestion feature, please email me at daiello [at] rinkatlas.com.

About December 2006

This page contains all entries posted to RinkAtlas Blog in December 2006. They are listed from oldest to newest.

November 2006 is the previous archive.

February 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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