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February 2007 Archives

February 7, 2007

RinkAtlas Adds the Rinks from the OHL

I'm pleased to announce that the RinkAtlas database now includes all of the arenas in The Ontario Hockey League (OHL). The OHL is one of three Major Junior "A" hockey leagues in Canada that are collectively called Canadian Hockey League (CHL). There are 20 teams in the OHL, including 17 that are located in Ontario, two that are located in Michigan and one that is located in Erie, PA.

We previously the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League to our database. See RinkAtlas Adds the Rinks from MJAHL, LHJAAAQ, and QMJHL for more information.

We can now move on to the Western Hockey League to complete our Major Junior "A" rink database.

February 16, 2007

RinkAtlas Adds the Rinks from the Ontario Provincial, Northern Ontario, and Superior International Junior Hockey Leagues

I'm pleased to announce that the RinkAtlas database now includes all of the arenas in The Ontario Provincial Junior Hockey League (OPJHL or OHA), Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League, and Superior International Junior Hockey League. These are the Ontario-based member leagues of the Canadian Junior A Hockey League.

We previously added The Maritime Junior A Hockey League and Ligne de Hockey Junior AAA du Quebec to our database at this level of Juniors. See RinkAtlas Adds the Rinks from MJAHL, LHJAAAQ, and QMJHL for more information.

We can now move on to the leagues in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia to complete our Canadian Junior Hockey rink database.

February 20, 2007

The Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association Becomes a RinkAtlas Partner Website

Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association

It's my pleasure to announce that The Atlantic Amateur Hockey Association has just become a RinkAtlas Partner Website. The AAHA is also known as the Atlantic District of USA Hockey and is the governing body for most amateur hockey in New Jersey, Delaware, and Eastern Pennsylvania.

The AAHA recently redesigned their website and made it look a lot more professional. I'm pleased that they've chosen to let us provide rink location information and directions to their customers.

About February 2007

This page contains all entries posted to RinkAtlas Blog in February 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

December 2006 is the previous archive.

November 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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